"Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it." George Santayana

Iran the great nation of first human right deceleration has been striving for justice, freedom and democracy and establishment of human rights after Cyrus the great since 2500 BC, to the present.
This more than a century of historical struggle coincides between three different social political forces.
We have witnessed these three elements during Iran's constitutional revolution and naturalization of petroleum and oil under the leadership of Dr. Mohammad Mosadegh and to the Iran's revolution of 1979, which includes the following elements:
First,The resistance forces rooting by people's support which struggles for freedom and democracy and seeking for the betterment of human rights relaying on establishment of rule of law and a constitution by the people and for the people based on a popular electoral process.
Secondly,Theelement of Puppet government which is affiliated with foreign countries and have no grass root from people. This element gets its power by the support of foreign governments. The latest example of such, is dictatorship of Pahlavi's Monarchy under Mohamad Reza Shah which was toppled by people's revolution.
Thirdly, is the element of fanatical movement as it appeared during Iran's constitutional revolution under the leadership of Sheykh Fazlolah Nouri, during Iranian Oil Naturalization movement by Kashani, and when Iranian 1979 revolution took place the fanatical element was led by Khomeini! This movement is the enemy of freedom, rule of law, and establishment of human rights it has been after a cleric ruling with a supreme leader!
Unfortunately, by the Western Government's strategic miscalculations was able to achieve its devilish goals. Now, it has been nearly four decades inside Iran and The Middle East the fanatical movement has become the root cause of political disasters, terrorism and instability in the region.
In 1953, the United States and Great Britain launched a coup against the nationalist government of Dr. Mohammad Mossadegh and undermined their national bourgeoisie, under the pretext and justification fear of Soviet Union, Iran's northern neighbor.
A dangerous miscalculation that paved the way for Khomeini leading an extreme fundamentalist movement. It was the western media's propagandas which purposely introduced Khomeini as an alternative opposition leader and a replacement for Shah while the Iranian democratic leaders were locked in jails. After fall of Shah, spring of freedom did not last long in Iran.
Khomeini whose mentality belonged a pre capitalism era, could not adopt himself to the current social historical generation!
Khomeini's reactionary nature and medieval mentality did not allow him to adopt to progressive ways in society or having a peaceful coexistence with its neighbors! Khomeini saw his salvation through suppression, creating turmoil in the region under the pretext of exporting its "Islamic" revolution!
To portray himself as an opposition of Western countries and to gain popularity masked his face with the anti-American propagandas: he praised his followers for taking over the American Embassy and stablished the Iranian Revolutionary Guard.
His first step was to take over the U.S. Embassy and create hostage crisis under the name of Islam! Next was establishing the vigilant forces suppression of all political opponents, and later meddling in Iraq affairs. As many Shias and Shia shrines existed in Iraq, for its long common borders with Iran,
was the best Bait by regime for Saddam as he made a tactical mistake and was provoked by regime to start the Long lasting 10 years of war: A mistake that Khomeini referred as a blessing! Europe and the United States who were occupied with the hostage crisis, took the policy of enduring fuel to a prolong lasting war and did not want a winner or loser in this war!
It was before war that Khomeini was able to suppress the political parties and massacre thousands of Iranian Freedom fighters. Western and Arab countries' miscalculated and misunderstood the nature of Khomeini and hardly took any major steps for peace and end of the destructive war which Khomeini single handedly was insisting on.
It was the anti-regime movement (PMOI) who signed a peace treaty with Iraq's government and formed a resistance army in Iraq to force Khomeini who stated himself of being forced, to drink the poison of ceasefire!
Since Khomeini took power, he divided Palestinians’ movement into different groups. Then, western countries put pressure on Arafat and sieged his supporters to surrender! In fact, peace between Palestine and Israeli was against Khomeini and could take an important evasion from him.
While Khomeini was a true devil spewing fire and poison on Iranian people by bringing death and destructions on people. He was terrified that his spell could be broken by PMOI. Khomeini was hiding his fear by executing thousands of political prisoners who were members and supporters of PMOI.
by regime for Saddam as he made a tactical mistake and was provoked by regime to start the Long lasting 8 years of war: A mistake that Khomeini referred as a blessing! Europe and the United States who were occupied with the hostage crisis, took the policy of enduring fuel to a prolong lasting war
and did not want a winner or looser in this war!
It was before war that Khomeini was able to suppress the political parties and massacre thousands of Iranian Freedom fighters.
Western and Arab countries' miscalculated and misunderstood the nature of Khomeini and hardly took any major steps for peace and end of the destructive war which Khomeini single handedly was insisting on.
It was the anti regime movement (PMOI) who signed a peace treaty with Iraq's government and formed a resistance army in Iraq to force Khomeini who stated himself of being forced, to drink the poison of ceasefire!
Since Khomeini took power, he divided Palestinians’ movement into different groups. Then, western countries put pressure on Arafat and sieged his supporters to surrender! In fact, peace between Palestine and Israeli was against Khomeini and could take an important evasion from him.
While Khomeini was a true devil spewing fire and poison on Iranian people by bringing death and destructions on people. He was terrified that his spell could be broken by PMOI. Khomeini was hiding his fear by executing thousands of political prisoners who were members and supporters of PMOI.
After war with Iraq, Khomeini with consultation of Rafsanjani tried to attract western countries by pretending and maneuvering as a moderate person. However, his terrorism engine was always busy around the world.
Invading Kuwait by Sadam was another miscalculation by him. War between Iraq and Kuwait was a big assistance to Iranian regime to achieve its old dream by occupying Iraq secretly or openly. Also, Arab countries instead of peaceful solutions, undermined their main threat which was Iranian regime.
After the wrong invasion of Iraq by coalition forces and transfer of power from Ayad Alawi to Maleki who was the puppet of Iranian regime, mullahs advanced their control in Iraq.
This was the biggest miscalculation of the US and coalition forces that led to the formation of ISIS turning The Middle East to a living hell.
The appeasement policy towards Iranian regime, listing its major opposition amongst the terrorist organizations, bombarding, disarming and besieging them in the death camp all purposely to collapse them, the same group which were the only ones exposing the Iranian mullahs nuclear ambition in 2003, was a policy that served to the main sponsor of terrorism and fundamentalist regime. Despite the Iran nuclear deal,
Iranian regime behavior has not changed. This regime has continued its support of terrorism and interference and meddling in Syria, Yemen, Bahrain and Iraq. Under horrible and continuous suppression, Iranians also thirst for regime change. Thus, supporting the policy of promoting the regime change by Iranian people's resistance can make up the past and bring peace and stability in the region. Relying on the sham election by Khamenei, is continuation of the same mistaken policy of miscalculation that is weakening the policy of confrontation against the role of Iranian regime that is to destabilize the region.
Today, recognition of the devastating role of the Iranian regime in the Middle East is not enough. Supporting the policy of changing mullahs’ fundamentalist regime by the hands of Iranian resistance movement can compensate the old mistakes and bring about peace and stability for the future.
Iranian opposition’s leader, Maryam Rajavi, during an interview with the Algerian newspaper, El Watan, said: "We have always mentioned that the Iranian people and Resistance do not need money nor weapons from the West. But they need that West stay impartial. We invite all governments to support our democratic Islam as an alternative of Islamic fundamentalism. This is an alternative that can block barbarism of clerical fascism and overthrew the religious dictatorship in Iran. When the regime is broken, all of its militants under the commands of Quds force such as Hezbollah in Lebanon, Ansarlah Huthi in Yemen, and multiple groups in Iraq will be disappeared and the atmosphere of breathing for all fundamentalist groups from Alghaede to ISIS will be vanished. “
This article has been published in Media Express: